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a customisation with a bit of history….


A customer asked if I could customised this 2 piece suit she had made 24 years ago for her daughters wedding….


I googled the designer and found out that a wedding dress she made is in the V&A Museum in London
There’s more information about her here..
so, no pressure, then!


look at the amazing smoking on the sleeves, this is the designers hallmark, all done by hand…

Hope Jacare hand dyed silk ribbons

Because the suit is made from silk I decided to use silk to customise it, I bought these beautiful hand dyed silk ribbons from Hope Jacare Designs the rest

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textile trail ……



This blanket was knitted by my other half Steve’s Great Granny from wool she unravelled from old jumpers, he inherited it about 40 years ago and for the last 15 it has covered the armchair he sits in. After washing it I noticed that some of the seams were coming apart, so I put it aside to repair, in that pile of stuff waiting to be repaired, you know, the tall pile.… Read the rest

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the perfect circle….

Over the years I’ve been asked many times where I get my inspiration and ideas from for my clothing . My answer is always “the fabric”. To me, each piece of fabric is a work of art, an artist has designed it, chosen the colours, selected the fibres for it to be woven with, or printed on – they’ve put all of their experience and expertise into it.… Read the rest

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to use or not to use….

I bought these shisha (or mirrored) embroidered pieces in India sometime last century, they’ve hung around in my workshop for at least 15 years. I intended making them into wearable belts, didn’t happen, and to be honest I think the market for mirrored belts is somewhat limited to belly dancers . They are very heavy and inflexible due to the large number of mirrors on each one, and that limits their usefulness on clothing.Read the rest

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a bit about me…..

…..and what I get up to in my workshop.
I customise items of clothing that I find in charity shops. I decorate and embellish them with fabric and turn ordinary garments into very special pieces. I’ve been collecting fabric for almost 30 years so I’ve got a lot to choose from.

I also add buttons to them which I make with my partner Steve.… Read the rest